Posts in Support
Introducing Lara Alkurdi - ELC's Newest Therapist!

We are so excited to welcome and introduce Lara Alkurdi, MSW, LSW (pending) - our newest therapist at ELC! I’ve spent this last week working closely with her and have to say, we (our therapists and clients) are very fortunate to have Lara as part of our team. Her passion and drive to work with those struggling with anxiety and depression and other mental health issues is incredible.

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SupportErinn Williams

A pit in your stomach. Sweaty palms. A trembling voice. A racing heartbeat. Sound familiar? These are all symptoms associated with performance anxiety – a debilitating fear, worry or phobia that is triggered when you feel like you must perform a specific task. The pressure to achieve can be tied to any type of performance, especially when connected to an evaluative component, and sometimes before the task has even begun.

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You should feel comfortable asking your therapist anything. It’s a safe place where you can talk freely with a trained professional – no judgement, no stigma – while receiving mental health help and advice. But, it’s not always easy to open up and ask tough questions. Let us help.

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SupportErinn Williams
Managing Eco-Anxiety & Climate Grief

As humans, our brains are wired to experience fear and anxiety. It’s natural to feel scared, discouraged, helpless and even angry when we feel a loss of control - and that includes facing environmental issues. This can make it difficult to accomplish tasks and even have a negative impact on the way some people face the future. Here are a few tips to help tackle eco-anxiety and climate grief.

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Cheating and Forgiveness

Cheating can hurt. It can be devastating to everyone involved - the partner that was cheated on, the cheater and the relationship. When many couples enter a new relationship, they do so with the mutual understanding of fidelity and respect. When that fidelity turns into infidelity, things can get tough. Lots of people assume that cheating ultimately means that a relationship is over, but that’s not always the case.

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Toxic Masculinity Part II

Despite how far we’ve come in breaking down male gender norms over the last few decades, men are often expected to act tough and aggressive, never lose, show no emotion or not do anything that could be considered weak - in order to be “masculine”. Because of this, many men struggle to define their masculinity and themselves as men in a culture that can stigmatize things like sexuality, aggressiveness or dominance.

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Exercise and Movement To Support Mental Health

Beyond the more common benefits of exercise - improving cardiovascular health and overall strength - exercise and movement can buff up our brains, too. Known as a natural mood booster, exercise is proven to increase our endorphin levels, naturally lifting our mood. In fact, mindful exercise and movement therapy are both frequently integrated into many mental health treatment plans. It can help us manage symptoms of depression, reduce cognitive issues and alleviate anxiety and stress.

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Sex Ed - How Your Upbringing Can Effect Your Sexuality As An Adult

The controversy surrounding adolescent sexual education has been going on for years. Many oppose it all together, where other programs might focus solely on abstinence-only-until-marriage messaging; failing to provide young individuals with basic information on disease-preventing methods, unintended pregnancies, sexuality, and pleasure. Down the road, this can have an effect on how you handle relationships. How you handle boundaries and consent. How you handle desires.

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Online Dating and Anxiety

Online dating and social media can be tough to navigate. Naturally, both can bring about fear and suspicion that the person you are chatting with might not be who they say they are. This can create feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, depression and fear of the unknown. Once someone is emotionally-invested, these experiences (even if not in-person) can lead some of us to question our future decision making capabilities, causing trust issues and even emotional/psychological damage.

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Protecting Your Mental Health During Times of Crisis

We have more access to news than ever before – mainstream news channels, social media platforms, radio and podcasts. We also have more ways to consume this information – laptops, computers, phones, tablets, Alexa (the list goes on). Right now, it can be hard to stop scrolling through our newsfeeds and timelines for constant updates about what’s going on in the world. It's scary stuff and you can often get sucked in, easily. There are multiple ways to protect and improve your mental health during times like this (remember, you’ve already gotten through two years of the pandemic – you’re stronger than you think)!

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Toxic Masculinity

Being a man or male identifying person can leave someone feeling a little off or confused about how they “should” act. Many of you have heard the term Toxic Masculinity - the adherence to the limiting and often dangerous societal standards set for men and male-identifying individuals. Typically (not always), these socially regressive male traits have caused men to eject actions that might undermine their ideas of what it means to be a real man. So, how do we tackle toxic masculinity in our current culture and reframe masculinity in a healthier way?

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Understanding Vicarious Trauma

What happens when you identify with the pain of people who have endured something terrible? Witnessing a horrible event or situation involving someone you care about can result in Vicarious Trauma or Secondary Trauma. When you identify with the pain of people who have endured trauma, you can bring their fear, grief or anger into your own experience. When we experience something so overwhelming, our mind and body might adapt to help us cope in the moment, but this also might leave us with unprocessed trauma down the road.

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Tackling Seasonal Affective Disorder

It’s cold. The days are getting shorter and it’s dark by 4pm. For some, this provides a great opportunity to spend quality time focusing on themselves. For others, it can provide opportunities to spend quality time with loved ones like watching movies together on the couch, cooking a family meal or even exploring the seasonal changes outdoors (snowball fight!).

But, for those that suffer from SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder, it’s quite the opposite. You might lose interest in the activities that you used to enjoy or distance yourself from friends and family. You might feel sad, have a hard time focusing or experience fatigue that can limit your motivation, resulting in sleep and eating issues. Just remember, there is nothing wrong with any of this and you are not alone.

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Benefits of Anxiety

Anxiety. It can be crippling. It can be messy and unpredictable. It can affect your quality of life. But, what if I told you that anxiety can also play a beneficial role in your everyday life? By learning how to cope with anxiety symptoms, you can better address habits caused by anxiety. And if channeled right, turn those habits into something beautiful!

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Try Something Different in December

We’re heading into the new year fast. There’s a lot to do and I’m sure your calendar is filling up, I know mine is! You might find that your thoughts are largely hanging out in the future - anticipating events, making to-do lists, booking travel, etc. Not to mention, come Jan. 1 the good ol’ New Years Resolutions start popping up in your social media feeds or are a topic amongst family and friends.

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SupportErinn Williams
How To Be a Good Friend This Holiday Season

Halloween is over, and that means the winter holiday season is here! Everybody knows that this time of year is incredibly busy. Stress runs high as schedules fill up with travel, holiday parties, gift shopping, and preparing for guests. Spending time with friends can easily get pushed to the back burner. If you haven’t received a “Let’s get together after the Holidays” text, it’s likely only a matter of time.

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