Posts in Relationships

Take a minute, close your eyes, and think about your most memorable, mind-blowing sexual encounter. Were you trying something new outside of your comfort zone? Were you with a partner that captivated you in such a way that you put all insecurities aside? You were raw. You were brave. And you were vulnerable - and it felt amazing! Here are a few tips to help you embrace being vulnerable together with your partner and asking for what you want in the bedroom!

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Toxic Masculinity Part II

Despite how far we’ve come in breaking down male gender norms over the last few decades, men are often expected to act tough and aggressive, never lose, show no emotion or not do anything that could be considered weak - in order to be “masculine”. Because of this, many men struggle to define their masculinity and themselves as men in a culture that can stigmatize things like sexuality, aggressiveness or dominance.

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Sex Ed - How Your Upbringing Can Effect Your Sexuality As An Adult

The controversy surrounding adolescent sexual education has been going on for years. Many oppose it all together, where other programs might focus solely on abstinence-only-until-marriage messaging; failing to provide young individuals with basic information on disease-preventing methods, unintended pregnancies, sexuality, and pleasure. Down the road, this can have an effect on how you handle relationships. How you handle boundaries and consent. How you handle desires.

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Online Dating and Anxiety

Online dating and social media can be tough to navigate. Naturally, both can bring about fear and suspicion that the person you are chatting with might not be who they say they are. This can create feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, depression and fear of the unknown. Once someone is emotionally-invested, these experiences (even if not in-person) can lead some of us to question our future decision making capabilities, causing trust issues and even emotional/psychological damage.

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Protecting Your Mental Health During Times of Crisis

We have more access to news than ever before – mainstream news channels, social media platforms, radio and podcasts. We also have more ways to consume this information – laptops, computers, phones, tablets, Alexa (the list goes on). Right now, it can be hard to stop scrolling through our newsfeeds and timelines for constant updates about what’s going on in the world. It's scary stuff and you can often get sucked in, easily. There are multiple ways to protect and improve your mental health during times like this (remember, you’ve already gotten through two years of the pandemic – you’re stronger than you think)!

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Toxic Masculinity

Being a man or male identifying person can leave someone feeling a little off or confused about how they “should” act. Many of you have heard the term Toxic Masculinity - the adherence to the limiting and often dangerous societal standards set for men and male-identifying individuals. Typically (not always), these socially regressive male traits have caused men to eject actions that might undermine their ideas of what it means to be a real man. So, how do we tackle toxic masculinity in our current culture and reframe masculinity in a healthier way?

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